PPT Facilitation


IEP/PPT Facilitation“Individualized Education Program (IEP) Facilitation is a student-focused process in which a trained, neutral facilitator assists the IEP team in working collaboratively to reach consensus and develop an IEP that meets the needs of the student. (In Connecticut, the IEP team is known as the planning and placement team or PPT.) Most PPT meetings will not require a facilitator. However, in those situations where parents and school district personnel have had difficulties communicating and reaching consensus, a trained facilitator can provide a process that results in an appropriate IEP by assisting the team to remain focused on the student and communicate effectively.” (Connecticut State Department of Education, 2014)

Donna Cambria is a trained IEP/PPT Facilitator who is recognized by the Connecticut State Department of Education as a qualified IEP/PPT facilitator. As an experienced educator in all aspects of special education, she is keenly aware of the multiple perspectives inherent in the PPT process and views IEP/PPT Facilitation as a means to utilize these perspectives for the benefit of the student.

The IEP/PPT Facilitation must be agreed to by both the parent(s) and the school district. For further information regarding this process, please contact Donna Cambria at dgcconsulting@outlook.com or access the CSDE website at http://ctspecialednews.org/2014/01/21/iep-facilitation-facilitators.
